GENX Women

Building Confidence and Pimp Slapping Self Doubt Podcast

Welcome to GENX Women Building Confidence and Pimp Slapping Self Doubt

by Sentra McDuffie


Pimp Slapping Self Doubt

Senetra is a Gen X, mom who decided to face her fears and self-doubts to become a podcaster.

She’s used to getting caught up in her feelings, self-doubt, regret, failed relationships, and not really pursuing a dream. It’s a generational curse not to follow your dream, and Senetra is determined to break that curse.

That’s why Senetra started the GenX Women Building Confidence and Pimp Slapping Self Doubt Podcast to share powerful stories/interviews of others who have taken the step forward, and practical advice on breaking limiting beliefs and reducing self-doubt.

Sentra McDuffie


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