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April 14, 2023

How I Learned I Need a Life Coach!

A 9 year old who for the last nine years I have lovingly called Lynn Bear, with all the fire and seriousness of an old sage woman, proclaimed that she…

Senetra McDuffie


Candice Cameron


A 9 year old who for the last nine years I have lovingly called Lynn Bear, with all the fire and seriousness of an old sage woman, proclaimed that she was not going to grow up, she will figure out a way to stay a child. Further, she did not want to make decisions. The kid in me quietly shouted and cried out with her damn right kiddo, because this Adulting is for the birds.

Adulting was fresh and new in my 20s, it had the new car smell and came with new car fancy features. 30s and 40s were par for the course BUT baby let me tell you 50 will make you question why you ever wanted to be an adult. From being pre diabetic to having to really train yourself how to get up off the floor when you have sat down without touching anything. If you are over 50 right now I double dog dare you to try it, but make sure somebody is home when you do.

This interview is for those who have hit a rut. Those who still have dreams bubbling up in side them and are in search of that coach that Life Coach, that can guide and train them into a fulfilling season.

I had the pleasure of sitting down and speaking with a successful life coach, Candice the creator of Infinite Lucid Living. Make sure you check her out as well. You won’t regret it.

In this show you will learn

– What a life coach is?

– The benefits of a life coach?

– What you should think about if you want to be a life coach.

– And so much MORE!

*As well as a brief introduction to my daughter’s lizard Nyx!

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