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December 21, 2022

Tis the Season to check do a Mental Health Check In

Suicide is becoming too common a word in our News! I remember when I was in high school one of my friends tried to commit suicide.  My mind couldn’t wrap…

Senetra McDuffie


Suicide is becoming too common a word in our News!

I remember when I was in high school one of my friends tried to commit suicide.  My mind couldn’t wrap around the concept, even in all the emotions of being a teenager I couldn’t grasp the concept of not wanting to live anymore.  In my twenties there was a co-worker who left work went home drove into his garage shut the door and let the car run, until he died.  I regret that I can’t remember his name now.  I do remember his face and the one time I made him smile as he watched me try to learn how to shoot rubber bands at my other co-workers.  As time marches on so have the number of suicides from Robin Williams to the recent death of Stephen tWitch Boss the list has seemed to pick up speed.  I have no idea why and I don’t even dare try to find anything to blame, because on the other side of suicide is a million unanswered questions.

I have heard it said that some of the happiest people are the saddest.  Why am i reposting this interview now 4 days before Christmas?  Well, it’s important for the one person out there to know:

1. Find the one that you don’t have to fake being happy with and pour out your heart…Not for an answer or even a solution just to release some of that negativity that’s built up.

2. Second for the one who will listen… Just listen without judgement or solutions.

3.  Mental health is not a joke or a meme constantly check in on yourself and others. 

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