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December 14, 2022

What To Do When Sadness Strikes…Even the strongest GenX women get sad

What the heck I was just feeling happy, then suddenly I read an article, listened to the news, or answered the phone and without warning I felt an overwhelming since…

Senetra McDuffie


What the heck I was just feeling happy, then suddenly I read an article, listened to the news, or answered the phone and without warning I felt an overwhelming since of sadness.  Me the one who carries sunshine when she walks in a room.  Or so I’ve been told became heavy, the sun was there but you couldn’t see it.  

GenX family do you remember the commercial for “The Clapper”.  The Clapper is a wall socket device that you could plug into the wall and connect your lamps to and with one clap of your hands your light would turn off.  The Clapper is basically the grandmother of your Google Nest or Amazon Echo.  I used to love the commercial for this product, there was this old woman lying in bed and she for whatever reason would angrily clap and the lights would turn off.  

Well, that’s how my emotional sadness came on.  One moment I was happy and the next moment after being a part of a conversation, I suddenly felt drained and unhappy.  The conversation wasn’t an argument or anything like that, it was just a different perspective and hell of a draining.  We’ve all had these moments, you were happy and then you answered the phone and although it wasn’t your drama you were listening to, that conversation sapped your happiness.

What do you do?  How do you get back to a higher vibration?  

Click the link below and you will find out my three ways of slapping the sad.

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