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Release the confidence…How he sees 👀 you

What the heck is confidence? It's definitely on my list of character traits that I wantedt in a spouse.I wrote down 20 years ago . I'm still not married And goodness knows that list has changed The confidence remains a character trait that I love Confidence looked...

Mid-Live Revelation with a Pastor Inspiring Story

This podcasting thing has changed my life.  I'm learning that when you follow your dream, vision or whatever you want to refer to it as.  Doors are going to open and for me it is mind blowing.  It is confirmation that God hears little old me.  The me that has fallen...

How I Deal With My Self Doubt & Fears

So I faced a fear and I did a solo podcast.  To give me some comfort I called it an interview with myself so I didn't feel so  all alone.  It's interesting I would laugh when people said that they were nervous with me interviewing them, but heck I was...