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A Conversation with An Angel Reader!

A Conversation with An Angel Reader!

I believe in God, I believe in angels and I believe that they are all active and living through our day to day lives. Some of you may clutch your pearls, heck I too have done so on occasion, but this time felt different. What are you talking about Senetra? Well, I am...

How I Learned I Need a Life Coach!

A 9 year old who for the last nine years I have lovingly called Lynn Bear, with all the fire and seriousness of an old sage woman, proclaimed that she was not going to grow up, she will figure out a way to stay a child. Further, she did not want to make decisions. The...

Small chats

Just a few minutes.. Remember who you are. --- Send in a voice message:

When Who You Want To Date Doesn’t Want to Date You

He's just not that into you or the friendzone. They both stink and can really put you in a position of doubting yourself and your ability to ever have a successful relationship.  I think everyone can relate.  The guy who is so fine and so wonderful and...

Tis the Season to check do a Mental Health Check In

Suicide is becoming too common a word in our News! I remember when I was in high school one of my friends tried to commit suicide.  My mind couldn't wrap around the concept, even in all the emotions of being a teenager I couldn't grasp the concept of not wanting...

Confidence in GenX Women

Does jumping off a 100 ft. platform mean you are confident? About two years ago I went to the National White-Water Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. I decided I wanted to do something memorable, this led me to the 100 ft. platform.  It wasn't a zipline or a...